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Use a browser faster than Chrome and get cryptocurrency for free

What I will introduce this time is how to use a browser that is faster than Chrome and receive cryptocurrency for free.

Thanks to the Chromium project, one of Google's open source projects, many types of browsers are emerging. There are browsers that are fundamentally similar to Google's Chrome browser by adding their own know-how to each browser making company using the Chromium project, but have better features than the Chrome browser with differentiated functions.

The browser covered in this introduction is a browser based on Chromium and the Blink engine.

This browser was developed by Brave Software, a company founded by the developers of JavaScript and Mozilla Foundation founders Brandon Ike and Brian Bondi.

It is not well known in Korea, but after using it for a few months, I feel that it is a good browser.

First of all, it is not up to the level introduced by the Brave browser homepage, but you can feel that it is generally faster than Chrome or other browsers.

It can't be said that loading is fast on all websites, but since the Brave browser blocks most ads by default, once it loads, you can use it comfortably overall from then on.

Features of Brave browser, source: Brave homepage

The content to be introduced this time is not the Brave browser and it is about the cryptocurrency (BAT: Basic Attension Token), the introduction of the browser will be limited to this, and then we will get to the point.

If you turn on Brave Rewards in the Brave web browser, you will receive an advertisement as a push notification, and users can earn Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) simply by clicking and viewing the advertisement. When you create an account on Uphold, you can move the accumulated tokens, exchange them with other cryptocurrencies, and transfer them to the other cryptocurrency exchange.

The table of contents for this post is as follows:

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1. How to install Brave browser

To install the Brave browser, go to the Brave official site ( ) and click ' Download Brave ' to install it.

To install, click the installation file after downloading and run it. You can complete the installation by clicking the Next button in the order that appears on the screen.

The following screen is the screen when the browser is launched after installation is complete.

Usage is not much different from Chrome or Edge browsers.

The first screen when launching the browser

2. How to configure the Brave browser

After installing the browser, to view advertisements and receive Basic Attention Token (BAT) as a reward, select Settings from the pop-up that appears when you click the Settings button in the upper right corner to enter the preferences screen.

Select Brave Rewards from the menu on the left and activate 'Brave Rewards Ads'.

If you want to receive a lot of rewards, you can set the maximum number of ads to be displayed to '10 ads per hour'.

There aren't many advertisers yet, so even if you set it to 10, you won't get 10 at an hour. Even though it is set to 10, there are many cases where none of the ads appear in an hour .

< Ad-related settings in Brave browser >

3. Brave browser performance

The Brave website advertises that it is 3 times faster than Chrome and that it can protect privacy.

When accessing, the Chrome browser took 5.68 seconds to complete loading, and the Brave browser took 3.65 seconds.

One of the strengths of the Brave browser is ad blocking and privacy protection. Ads and tracker blocking are enabled by default when using the browser, so you can use it with ads removed when accessing general websites or watching YouTube. You will be able to save the data used at the time.

Trackers and ad blockers are found to be particularly useful on mobile devices, where data usage may be limited .

< Ad blocking and data saving content and performance comparison of Brave browser >

4. Get Crypto (BAT) Rewards

First, let's talk about what cryptocurrency (BAT) is.

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a coin that is included in the portfolio of Grayscale Investment, a leading American cryptocurrency trust fund investment company, and is based on WEB 3.0 . Currently, you can trade on the other cryptocurrency exchange, and if WEB 3.0 becomes popular, the value of BAT acquired as a reward may increase.

The current value of Basic Attention Token (BAT) is around $0.3 per 1 BAT, and has previously risen to a maximum of $1.9.

If you set up your Brave browser to view advertisements, you can receive a notification about the advertisement, and when you click on the advertisement received as a notification, you can receive Basic Attention Token (BAT) depending on the amount of time or the type of advertisement. It appears as a notification regardless of the browser, so it doesn't affect browser performance.

Advertisements can be rewarded by clicking, and if you do not want to be rewarded, you do not need to click.

For about a month, when I was notified of an advertisement, I was rewarded for clicking on an advertisement, and when I saw 125 advertisements in a month, I was paid 1.292 BAT.

< Ad notification and reward payment history in Brave browser >

So far, not many tokens have been accumulated by clicking on advertisements, but unlike cash, if the value rises like stocks, it is an automatic investment through advertising clicks because the cash value can increase even though it is the same amount of cryptocurrency.

In the case of cryptocurrency, direct investment can be burdensome because it is classified as a risky asset rather than a stock in terms of investment. However, if you use the Brave browser, you can get the effect of investing in cryptocurrency without direct investment, so even those who are interested in cryptocurrency but feel burdened by investing can invest without burden.

5. Connecting a cryptocurrency wallet (Wallet)

We provide a wallet to store Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) within Brave . If you create a wallet in the browser, you can restore it to Memonic when you delete and reinstall the browser or install the browser on another computer .

It provides a function of linking with external sites such as Uphold and Gemini, so you can transfer your tokens to other places by creating an account and creating a wallet. However, since the value of Basic Attention Token (BAT) is still low, it may be better to keep it only in the wallet provided by Brave because a large amount is required even if it is exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.

If you want to send tokens paid to an external exchange, you can send them without a transaction fee by using two places that provide linkage in your browser.

< Linking Uphold and Gemini>

This post ends here.

I hope that the information covered in this post was helpful.


So Joo
So Joo
Nov 17, 2022

이런게 있군요! 포스팅 잘보고 갑니다!


Oct 11, 2022

좋은 정보 감사합니다. 너무 자주 바껴서 이젠 뭐가뭔지 헷갈리더라구요



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